ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


Immune cells may heal bleeding brain after strokes

NIH-funded preclinical rodent study points to neutrophils for potential treatment options. Read More


Researchers hit the brakes on lethal brain cancers in mice

NIH-funded study suggests approach for treating brain tumors. Read More


Three-in-one antibody protects monkeys from HIV-like virus

NIH and Sanofi scientists prepare to test antibody in people. Read More


Federal agencies partner for military and veteran pain management research

Joint HHS-DoD-VA initiative will award multiple grants totaling $81 million. Read More


Gulf spill oil dispersants associated with health symptoms in cleanup workers

Dispersants are a blend of chemical compounds used to break down oil slicks. Read More


New toolkit helps nurses use genomics in patient care

site developed with input from clinical educators and administrators features over 100 resources. Read More


Exposure to pet and pest allergens during infancy linked to reduced asthma risk

NIH-funded study may aid development of asthma prevention strategies. Read More


Life-saving post-ER suicide prevention strategies are cost effective

Follow-up postcards less expensive, more effective than usual care: NIH study. Read More


Researchers turn to creative approaches to battle kidney stones

NIH-funded two-year clinical trial will monitor effects of increased fluid intake on risk of stones. Read More


NIH awards $15 million to support development of 3-D human tissue models

“Tissue chips” to be engineered to model disease and test drug efficacy prior to clinical trials. Read More

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