ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


NIH accelerates the use of genomics in clinical care

New funding awards focus on diverse and underserved populations. Read More


Midlife cardiovascular risk factors may increase chances of dementia

NIH funded study supports link between cognition and vascular health. Read More


NCI study identifies essential genes for cancer immunotherapy

Researchers found more than 100 genes that may play a role in facilitating tumor destruction by T cells. Read More


NIH Scientists Track Zika Virus Transmission in Mice

Study analyzes how virus is spread sexually and from mother to fetus. Read More


NCI study shows feasibility of cancer screening protocol for patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome

Researchers found a higher than expected prevalence of cancer at baseline screening. Read More


NIMHD announces recipients for the inaugural William G. Coleman Jr., Ph.D., Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Innovation Award

NIMHD will fund three awards to support minority health and health disparities research. Read More


New imaging technique overturns longstanding textbook model of DNA folding

NIH-funded study results suggest more complex gene interactions and regulation. Read More


Immune system may mount an attack in Parkinson’s disease

NIH-funded study suggests role for specific immune cells in brain disease. Read More


Researchers unlock regenerative potential of cells in the mouse retina

NEI-funded researchers use a clue from zebrafish to discover the cues that reprogram Müller glia into retinal neurons. Read More


Discovery documentary First in Human gives an up-close look at how advances in medicine are made at the NIH Clinical Center

Three-part series airing in August portrays the hopes and setbacks of patients, doctors, and nurses seeking cures. Read More

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