ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


“Residual echo” of ancient humans in scans may hold clues to mental disorders

Scans suggests that genetic variation may affect the way our brains work today. Read More


NIH to hold summit on caregiving

Keynote by Judy Woodruff, PBS NewsHour anchor and managing editor. Read More


Waterlogged brain region helps scientists gauge damage caused by Parkinson’s disease

NIH-funded research could aid drug development for the condition. Read More


The All of Us Research Program announces first community partner awards

Four organizations to support engagement of diverse communities in ambitious research effort. Read More


In adolescents, oral Truvada and vaginal ring for HIV prevention are safe, acceptable

NIH-funded clinical trials are first of their kind to include younger adolescent girls. Read More


Child living with HIV maintains remission without drugs since 2008

Child treated in infancy as part of NIH-funded study. Read More


Experimental HIV vaccine regimen is well-tolerated, elicits immune responses

Results from early-stage NIH-funded trial support further development of candidate vaccines. Read More


Drug interaction concerns may negatively affect HIV treatment adherence among transgender women

Participants in NIH-supported study apprehensive about combining HIV medications and hormones. Read More


NCI-COG Pediatric MATCH trial to test targeted drugs in childhood cancers

Nationwide trial to explore targeted therapies for children and adolescents with solid tumors. Read More


NIH-supported scientists elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV in calves

Unique structure of bovine bNAbs may inform HIV vaccine, therapeutics design. Read More

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