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مقالات إخبارية


NIH study finds long-acting injectable drug prevents HIV acquisition in cisgender women

Long-acting regimen more effective than daily oral pill among African women. Read More


Hydroxychloroquine does not benefit adults hospitalized with COVID-19

The trial began slot deposit pulsa after lab studies and preliminary reports suggested that hydroxychloroquine might have promise in treating SARS-CoV-2. Read More


NIH researchers identify gene in mice that controls food cravings, desire to exercise

The gene, Prkar2a, is highly expressed in a tiny brain region involved in responses to pain, stress, anxiety, sleep and reward. Read More


The gut trains the immune system to protect the brain

Gut-trained immune cells at CNS borders guard against meningitis and other infections. Read More


Neighborhood conditions associated with children’s cognitive function

NIH-funded research from ABCD Study finds association despite household income. Read More


NIH scientists discover key pathway in lysosomes that coronaviruses use to exit cells

Targeting cells’ ‘trash compactor’ could lead to new antiviral strategy to fight COVID-19. Read More


Scientists use clues in the human genome to discover new inflammatory syndrome

Study used a “search the genome” approach to reveal how mutations in a gene called UBA1 are associated with inflammatory diseases. Read More


Postpartum depression may persist three years after giving birth

NIH study suggests women with mood disorders, gestational diabetes may have a higher risk. Read More


Plant compound reduces cognitive deficits in mouse model of Down syndrome

Mice treated with apigenin had better memory and developmental milestone scores. Read More


Scientists use gene therapy and a novel light-sensing protein to restore vision in mice

NIH-funded therapy will now be tested in humans. Read More

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