ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


Turning off “junk DNA” may free stem cells to become neurons

NIH preclinical study supports role for ancient retroviral genes in brain development and neurological disorders. Read More


A call for stimulating diversity in brain research

Editorial outlines efforts at NIH to promote diverse workforce in neuroscience. Read More


Iodine exposure in the NICU may lead to decrease in thyroid function, NIH study suggests

Iodine solutions are commonly used as disinfectants to prepare the skin for surgical or other procedures. Read More


NIH launches clinical trials network to test COVID-19 vaccines and other prevention tools

Network website features secure method for volunteering for studies. Read More


Outdoor light linked with teens’ sleep and mental health

Large-scale study of U.S. teens shows associations between outdoor, artificial light at night and health outcomes. Read More


Blood-based biomarker can detect, predict severity of traumatic brain injury

Currently, there are no validated blood-based biomarkers to provide an objective diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury or to predict recovery. Read More


NfL outperforms other blood tests to predict and diagnose traumatic brain injury

Researchers studied four proteins from the brain that collect in the blood after TBI. Read More


Individually tailored falls prevention plan found no better than usual care for reducing serious injury

Large PCORI-, NIH-funded trial examined multipronged intervention in real-world settings. Read More


NIH researchers reframe dog-to-human aging comparisons

Comparing epigenetic differences between humans and domestic dogs provides an emerging model of aging. Read More


Long-acting injectable form of HIV prevention outperforms daily pill in NIH study

Both methods highly effective at preventing HIV among men who have sex with men and transgender women. Read More

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