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السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


NIH mobilizes national innovation initiative for COVID-19 diagnostics

Initiative aims to speed delivery of accurate, easy-to-use, scalable tests to all Americans. Read More


New study links severe sleep apnea to higher blood glucose levels in African Americans

Suggests that targeting sleep may help prevent diabetes and improve treatment. Read More


Very low-dose Avastin effective for preventing blindness in preterm infants

NIH-funded study finds very low doses effective for treating retinopathy of prematurity. Read More


NIAID strategic plan details COVID-19 research priorities

Urgent public health measures are needed to control the spread of the novel coronavirus. Read More


NEI researchers link age-related DNA modifications to susceptibility to eye disease

Findings point to targeting epigenome as a potential therapeutic strategy. Read More


Expert U.S. panel develops NIH treatment guidelines for COVID-19

“Living document” expected to be updated often as new clinical data accrue. Read More


Infant temperament predicts personality more than 20 years later

Behavioral inhibition in infancy associated with introversion and internalizing psychopathology in adulthood. Read More


Antiviral remdesivir prevents disease progression in monkeys with COVID-19

Study supports clinical testing under way across U.S. Read More


Investigational chimp adenovirus MERS-CoV vaccine protects monkeys

Vaccine neutralizes multiple MERS-CoV strains. Read More


NIH to launch public-private partnership to speed COVID-19 vaccine and treatment options

Health agencies, leading pharmaceutical companies to join forces to accelerate pandemic response. Read More

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