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نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


Breastfeeding may reduce type 2 diabetes risk among women with gestational diabetes, NIH study suggests

The researchers analyzed data from a long-term study of risk factors for chronic diseases in women. Read More


Study shows how a tiny and strange marine animal produces unlimited eggs and sperm over its lifetime

NIH-supported research of Hydractinia could provide clues to human reproductive conditions. Read More


Remdesivir prevents MERS coronavirus disease in monkeys

Results support testing antiviral against 2019 novel coronavirus. Read More


Genetic profile may predict chance of type 2 diabetes among women with gestational diabetes

Researchers followed women before, during and after pregnancy and captured data on their health later in life. Read More


Recent advances in addressing tuberculosis give hope for future

NIH officials describe “banner year”. Read More


Less than a quarter of at-risk adolescent boys ever get tested for HIV

Study stresses promoting patient-clinician communication about sexual behavior to encourage HIV testing in teenagers. Read More


Neural signature identifies people likely to respond to antidepressant medication

NIH-funded research used machine learning algorithm to predict individual treatment response. Read More


NIH-Funded Clinical Trial to Test PrEP, Dapivirine Ring for Safety in Pregnant Women

Study Also to Examine Whether Pregnant Women Accept, Use These HIV Prevention Tools. Read More


Youth with HIV less likely than adults to achieve viral suppression

Findings suggest a low proportion of youth adhere to care regimens. Read More


NIH scientists link higher maternal blood pressure to placental gene changes

Gene modifications correspond to blood pressure increases at distinct pregnancy intervals. Read More

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