ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


NIH study of brain energy patterns provides new insights into alcohol effects

Study could help understanding of how the brain uses energy in health and disease. Read More


Data sharing uncovers five new risk genes for Alzheimer’s disease

NIH-funded project includes largest sample to date for Alzheimer’s gene association. Read More


Reaching for objects while driving may raise teen crash risk nearly sevenfold

NIH study also suggests that handling a cell phone doubles teen driver crash risk Read More


Older biologic age linked to elevated breast cancer risk

NIH scientists use epigenetics to help predict disease development. Read More


Nitisinone increases melanin in people with albinism

NIH clinical study results suggest the drug could help protect skin and prevent vision problems Read More


Scientists identify unique subtype of eczema linked to food allergy

Children with both conditions have abnormal skin near eczema lesions, NIH-funded research finds Read More


Monthly buprenorphine injections effective for opioid use disorders

Study results on long-acting injection formulation now published. Read More


Study unveils a blueprint for treating a deadly brain tumor

NIH-funded, preclinical study suggests a common form of brain cancer may be treated with combination radio- and chemotherapy Read More


Long periods of sedentary behavior may increase cardiovascular risk in older women

Reducing their sedentary time by just an hour a day appears to lower risk. Read More


Neuromelanin-sensitive MRI identified as a potential biomarker for psychosis

NIH-funded study found NM-MRI able to measure dopamine function associated with psychosis. Read More

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