ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


NIH selects first scholars in pioneering program to enhance diversity within in-house research program

Distinguished Scholars Program to augment diversity and inclusion in the biomedical workforce. Read More


Myo-inositol unlikely to reduce risk of eye complication in preterm infants

Results from NIH-funded study do not support using myo-inositol to treat retinopathy of prematurity. Read More


Amazon Web Services joins NIH’s STRIDES Initiative to harness latest cloud technologies for biomedical researchers

AWS is the second cloud service provider to join the STRIDES Initiative following Google Cloud. Read More


Common use of antipsychotics shown ineffective for delirium in intensive care patients

NIH-funded clinical trial suggests reconsidering current strategies to treat delirium. Read More


Genomic analysis offers insight into 2018 Nigeria Lassa fever outbreak

Findings helped inform Nigeria’s public health response. Read More


Researchers identify immune culprits linked to inflammation and bone loss in gum disease

Microbiome-triggered Th17 cells switch from protective to destructive; may be potential treatment targets. Read More


NIH programs shed light on gene variants and their connections to health and disease

ClinGen and ClinVar address major obstacles to genomic medicine. Read More


Scientists develop novel vaccine for Lassa fever and rabies

The inactivated recombinant vaccine candidate uses a weakened rabies virus vector. Read More


NIH study finds probiotic Bacillus eliminates Staphylococcus bacteria

Additional studies of common supplement planned. Read More


Study identifies gene that makes gentle touch feel painful after injury

NIH-funded research raises possibility of designer treatments for common form of pain. Read More

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