ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


Psychotherapeutic intervention shows promise for treating depression in preschool-aged children

PCIT-ED is one of the first psychotherapeutic treatments to target early childhood depression. Read More


Methadone and buprenorphine reduce risk of death after opioid overdose

NIH research confirms effective treatments for opioid use disorder are underutilized. Read More


NIH to end funding for Moderate Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health trial

Trial will end within the next few months following an orderly closeout. Read More


Early-stage Respiratory Syncytial Virus vaccine trial begins

Phase 1 study will enroll a small group of healthy adult volunteers. Read More


NIH-supported researchers find link between allergen in red meat and heart disease

A subgroup of the population may be at heightened risk for this food allergen. Read More


NIH study finds no significant link between brain injury and IV fluid treatment of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is often the first sign of type 1 diabetes in children who have not yet been diagnosed. Read More


New trans-NIH consortium aims to advance pediatric research on a global level

Nearly all of the 27 NIH institutes and centers fund some aspects of child health research. Read More


NIH launches HerbList, a mobile app on herbal products

App offers easy access to scientifically backed information on herbs and herbal products. Read More


NIH leadership outlines interdisciplinary FY2018 research plan for HEAL Initiative

The plan focuses on improving treatments for opioid misuse and addiction, and enhancing strategies for pain management. Read More


NIH announces 2018-2019 Medical Research Scholars Program class

Accepted scholars begin their fellowship in July/August 2018. Read More

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