ت:    25332330
نقال: 90094424
2:00 الى 6:00 مساءا (أيام الإسبوع)
السبت 10:30 ص-1:30 م. الجمعة عطلة

مقالات إخبارية


NIH-developed test detects protein associated with Alzheimer’s and CTE

Findings could lead to early diagnosis, better treatment studies. Read More


New pathways for implementing universal suicide risk screening in healthcare settings

Model could help hospitals better identify and aid youth at risk for suicide. Read More


2,000 human brains yield clues to how genes raise risk for mental illnesses

Artificial intelligence model improves prediction six-fold Read More


Pelvic floor disorders linked to mode of delivery among first-time mothers

Nine-year, NIH-funded study suggests that C-sections present lower risk compared to vaginal delivery Read More


Teens using vaping devices in record numbers

Opioid misuse at record lows with marijuana use remaining stable. Read More


NIH scientists find that breast cancer protection from pregnancy starts decades later

Breast cancer risk remains elevated 20-30 years after childbirth. Read More


Researchers design technology that sees nerve cells fire

Technique could be used to monitor visual function through the optic nerve in the eye Read More


NIH to fund HIV care and prevention research in vulnerable southern U.S. communities

New program leverages partnerships to discover sustainable, scalable interventions. Read More


Moderate or severe sleep apnea doubles risk of hard-to-treat hypertension in African-Americans

Treatment of sleep disorder might help improve blood pressure control in this high-risk group. Read More


Study links frequent red meat consumption to high levels of chemical associated with heart disease

Findings reveal tripling of blood levels of TMAO from red meat diet, but dietary effects can be reversed Read More

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