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News & Articles


Obesity extends duration of influenza A virus shedding

NIH-funded study examines shedding in 320 households during three flu seasons. Read More


Fetal DNA sequencing potentially could reduce need for invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures

NIH review article also describes need for practitioner education in interpreting results of genetic tests. Read More


Tickborne diseases are likely to increase, say NIH officials

Bacteria cause most tickborne diseases in the United States. Read More


Protein affected by rare Parkinson’s mutation may lurk behind many cases of the disease

NIH-funded study could lead researchers to rethink how to treat the disorder. Read More


Next-generation ALS drug silences inherited form of the disease in animal models

NIH-funded preclinical study suggests drug may be ready for early stage clinical trials. Read More


Multi-disease health fairs, universal “test and treat” help East African communities achieve HIV benchmarks

PEPFAR- and NIH-supported study results support patient-centered approach to care delivery. Read More


Fauci: HIV remission free of antiretroviral therapy is a feasible goal

NIAID director will give special session lecture at AIDS 2018 Conference. Read More


NIH-funded researchers present preliminary clinical trial results suggesting aggressive blood pressure control may lower risk of cognitive impairment

Final results will be submitted to a peer-reviewed publication later this year. Read More


NIH makes STRIDES to accelerate discoveries in the cloud

Google Cloud first to join effort. Read More


NIH renews NeuroNEXT for neurological clinical research

Innovative network for advancing development of new treatments will continue for five more years. Read More

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